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Motorcycle Ministry

A motorcycle ministry that serves the church and is active in the motorcycle community sharing the love of Christ with it's members.

The Kingdom Knights Motorcycle Ministry founded in 2004 and is one of several ministries under the 501c3 of Akron Bible Church and lead Pastor Randy Baker. We are here to serve our church and our community, while spreading the Gospel of Christ to the motorcycle community

The Kingdom Knights is an on-fire, loving, evangelistic, exciting, dynamic, effective, and fun ministry with members all over Akron, Ohio. Our members rumble around Ohio on their motorcycles proclaiming that Jesus Christ is Lord!

"They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer". - Acts 2:42

Our Vision:
To bring all types of people, including motorcycle club members into the Kingdom of Heaven and to plant seeds of faith in the hearts of men and women whenever and wherever we can.

Our Mission:
Love God, Love Others, and make Christ known.

Our Cut
“Kingdom Knights”. Knights are the soldiers of a king’s army, which is what we strive to be, soldiers in God’s (The King) army.

“Jesus Saves”. Acts 2:42 exemplifies our mission. As servants we are called to reach the lost for Christ.

CENTER PATCH: - This is made up of six different parts:
The red, white, and blue symbolize the colors of the American.
The Shield signifies the Shield of Faith. (Ephesians 6:16)
The Swords represent The Sword of the Spirit. (Ephesians 6:17)
The Star symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem. (Matthew 2:2)
Akron, Ohio is where we are from.

This is the part that brings it all together. It is the Cross that we cling to, hide behind, and rely on its promises. It is the hope that is in us. The reflective material that makes up the Cross has two purposes. Primarily it signifies to “give the light of knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus.” (Corinthians 4:6) Secondly, the reflection of the Cross also helps in the safety of the riders at night. As headlights shine on the rider’s back, the reflection of the Cross shines making drivers aware of their presence.

The Kingdom Knights is a ministry geared around service. Just as a knight in the medieval times was a servant to the king, we are also servants to King Jesus. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month for at least a short devotional and lots of fellowship.

If you would like to know more about us, or perhaps interested in becoming a member. Stop down at the Bill Denton Center to catch one of our meetings, talk to anyone of our members, or contact our Director.
Pastor Chet Flowers (234) 208-6263.



Director Pastor Chet Flowers


490 E. South St. Akron, OH 44311


3rd Tuesday of every month at 7PM

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